Sunday, June 5, 2011

Comenius goes BUGA

Here are a few pictures of our presentation on the BUGA 2011 (the federal gardening festival in Koblenz). On two days we showed some of our results and made with the visitors some exercises to stay fit in every day life. We really enjoyed these days.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Just a few photos of our visit to Concarneau.

Julius-Wegeler-School: Our Results so far

We prepared a concept of different things we would like to change and showed to our headmaster to get his permission. - He had no objections!!
So far we have have bought several differnt soft balls (e.g. for volleyball, football) and a frisbee which can be used during the breaks. And we bought some gymnastic balls which can be used for sitting in the classroom. They help to keep an upright position while sitting.
After the Easter break we will mark special areas on the schoolyard for playing ball. Also we want to install new benches and get table football and a couch for our school.
In addition there we will have a day when we sell fruits and smoothies and as the end of our project a health day.
On 23 and 24 May we will present our results on the BUGA, the national flower exhibition in Koblenz.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

We are pleased to tell you about the results of our Health Day. Due to the lack of funds available we decided to work on an awareness day where we could tell the students of the school about all the things that we had learnt during the work on the project and hope that they would make use of the information. Following on from this we hope to take our ideas to the School Council and get some of our suggestions put into practice. In our "theatre" we presented our work to 300 students. It lasted for about two hours. We made presentations on the 5 aspects of health that we had decided on at the beginning of the year. First the class 4EL presented a series of power point presentations about food :- Secondly the class 4CL acted a play to demonstrate the importance of consuming the correct drinks. Thirdly the class 4AL presented a series of power point and a video on physical activity and sports. Fourthly the class 4BL presented a series of presentations about attitude to school and making the school a better place with videos about behaviour in class. Finally the class 4DL presented a comic strip, presentation, acting scene and two songs about the dangers connected with smoking and taking drugs. We hope the students learnt something from this.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Healthy Snack Sells Smoothly...

Hi everyone!

We are happy to inform you that today we have lauched our next activity - preparing and selling smoothies made of fresh fruit! We were all a bit nervous at the beginning but it went all "smoothly" and at the end we have sold 24 cups of banana smoothie in 15 minutes!

Considering there are about 200 students present at school today (about 50 students have gone for their skiing course in Austria), that means about one in nine students opted for a healthy snack!

We plan to organize this every two weeks. Next time we will also take some photos...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

A Healthy Day in Hranice

Hi everyone!

First of all, let all Czech project team wish you a wonderful New Year 2011!

Shortly before Christmas (21 Dec) our school organized a Healthy Day for all students, which was an activity planned within our project.

We decided to offer something for all students, not only for those who already do some sports regularly.

The event started at 9:30 in a gym. At the beginning there was a football match between classes.

Then the girls had an opportunity to try zumba dancing followed by a volleyball match between students and teachers.

All in all, it was really nice to spend an active morning before a Christmas season full of food...

Happy new year 2011

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Our debate

In Pierre-Guéguin, there are lessons from 8. to 18.
The students wake up from 6. to 7.30. (some of them sleep at school and wake up betwen 7. and 7.30 . They have breakfast from 7. to 8.)
Most of the students  (and of the teachers) have lunch at the school restaurant between 12 and 13.30 .

So the breakfast is very important for a long working day at school, almost if there are sport activities in the morning.

The 1ère STG classe had a debate about the ideal breakfast before a school day. 
- many students have breakfast ( bread , milk , butter , fruit , orange juce ... ) ; but they are hungry at 10.
- some of them don't  ( because they wake up too late ; or because they can't eat  early in the  morning ; or because there is nothing very good to eat! Or they are alone ... or nobody prepares...) They are hungry at 8. !
The classe thought of what to do in these cases :   
- prepare the evening before
- prepare what they would like to eat .
- wake up some minutes earlier ...

The 1STG also had a debate about a collation  (bread and chocolate)  that was given at 10. every day to the  students in our school till last year. Many students took bread and threw it , anywhere ... Problems: more work to clean the school and  wasted food.  So, this year, no more collation ...
The classe is thinking of a new organisation to get it back.  It will be the first activity. Then they 'll think of the best breakfast menu ; and they 'll organise a breakfast at the school restaurant to have with the comenius partners when they 'll come to Concarneau.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

class 11b Julius-Wegeler-School

Hi! We are class 11b and we want to present you our ideas for our activity ptoject.
We would like to rent gymnastic balls and have a room where sports facilities (e.g punching bag, stepper) are for students who don't have lessons. In addition we want to give out step counters to make people walk more. Another idea is to install a climbing wall or a trampoline.

What do you think about our ideas? We can't waiot to see your answers.

Your class 11b